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The Power of Letting Go...

A few months ago, I was having one of those months. I wish I could say days, but it went on and on.

Like really, it just seemed like everything kept messing up! My heater broke, my car overheated and left me stranded, and several other things I honestly can’t remember right now.

I was like, what the HELL!!!! I had set goals to manage my stress, put some money aside to meet specific goals, and take care of some things around the house, but it seemed everything was getting in the way of that.

I mean, I was doing better with the stress than I would have a few years ago but oh man… Talk about the things that will get in the way of living a mindful and peaceful lifestyle… For reals…

In the beginning, it was like, okay, no problem, the Universe has my back! Everything is fine. I got this! As more and more things began to go down, I was like, OMG, what did I do to attract all of this bad Karma???

I read, researched, reached out to friends, and was like what is going on with me. In meditation one day, it was like, oh… I get it now.

I learned an essential lesson inflow, increasing my ability to have faith, and learning to shift my mind away from negative thoughts and emotions.

The Bible says, “As, you think, so you are” Proverbs 23:7.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali says, “as the mind, so the person.” “If we think we are bound, we are bound. If we think we are liberated, we are liberated.”

What we think and focus on is what is. Read that again!!!!

When the challenging stuff comes, we can either focus on the challenge of consciously shift to being hopeful for the solution and the growth that will come from the challenge.

In the past, when life’s challenges came, I was like, see! No point in working so hard to do these things when all this lousy crap happens anyway. Then as a self-fulfilling prophecy, I would go back to old habits and give up!

I was essentially sabotaging my goals and my progress.

But this time, for whatever reason, something was different!

Each time I got frustrated, I chose to stay faithful and recognize that there was a silver lining and blessings were coming. I just had to be faithful to my goals and shift the focus to find the good.

My thoughts shifted when I realized had I not been saving extra for some fun projects on my home, it would have been a more significant strain to fix my car and my heater. Had the challenge with my boss and all that stress not existed, I wouldn’t have been so driven to open my private practice.

At that moment, I shifted from frustration to gratitude!

I was learning to remain consistent in the hard stuff without fussing and fighting to fix it.

When I let go and got out of the way, I learned that things tend to fall into place, and the right path becomes clear.

I don’t know; maybe you are different than me. I hope you are!

I am a 44-year-old woman who has worked her butt off to make things happen for myself my whole life. I have fussed, fought, and worked so very hard. This strategy worked well for me, but it made things a lot harder than they needed to be!

Please pay attention, guys, because this is probably the most important lesson I have learned in a long time!!!

Once I learned to let go of my home, personal life, business, and work, I realized how freeing it is. I also watched things I had been fighting for fall into place right before my eyes.

I’ve learned by getting out of the way and being faithful to my self-love practices; things began to get easier and easier. Have just a tiny bit of faith in whatever fits your belief system, and watch what happens!

I promise it will be easier and less stressful than whatever means you have been using!

But how???

Be mindful about where your focus is—past, future, or present.

Focusing too much on the past can make us sad.

Worrying or staying future-focused can cause us to become very anxious or stressed out.

Being present in the here and now brings us more focus, productivity, and peace! It makes you less stressed, which helps you let go of control.

If you are not trying to control things, it allows space for the right things or circumstances to fall into place.

I know it is hard to do!

Trust me; I have walked this path!

But look at your choices.

You can kill yourself attempting to control the outcome you want while being super stressed.

Or you can let go and trust that the right things will fall into place. Be grateful for what is right now and the blessings that are coming, and see what happens.

Personally, having done both, I chose PEACE and FLOW by letting go of control.

But how do you let go?

Cultivate some mindful moments into your day.

For me, it is my daily walk!

I try hard to once a day I get up and walk my block twice. It takes me under 15 minutes and resets my stress level on a bad day. I leave the devices at my desk and walk, noticing the sun, the view of the mountains, birds, what it feels like to just be outside!

Sometimes it is getting up and doing some yoga or stretching. There are days, let’s be honest, where you are just so flipping busy all you have time for are a few intentional deep breaths. If that is all, you got then get it, girl!!

Breath in that healing and positive energy, and breathe out that negative crap that stresses you out!

The small efforts can make significant changes if done consistently! So, schedule that time into your daily routine.

There is no wrong answer with this one.

Do what helps you regroup, recenter, and let go of some stress.

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