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Mindfulness During COVID Version of the Holiday Season!

Amid a very strange holiday season, some of you might be feeling a little stressed out. I've been feeling some kind of way about this mess myself.

I found myself putting more effort this year into gifts and decorating and making things more "Christmassy"! I was thinking last night, why am I so stressed about having things so perfect this year.

It dawned on me a bit ago…

Given COVID restrictions, there is no way Christmas will be normal this year! I was trying to make it more normal by upping the ante on all the parts of Christmas I could control.

Do you ever do that? Overcompensate when you are stressed out? I have this knee jerk reaction that encourages me to control and get overly organized when I'm stressed. This is precisely what I was doing with Christmas this year!

I know it doesn't make any sense to get more organized or controlling when you're stressed, but that is precisely what I do! Over the past few years, I have become more mindful of this behavior, and I catch it before it causes my family or me too much grief.

When I first discovered mindfulness, I was overwhelmed; my perfectionistic nature thought it was something I could master overnight.

As I learned more and practiced, I discovered, mindfulness was about becoming increasingly, over time, more aware of what you are feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally.

When you are aware of these sensations, you become better at noticing when you become stressed and where that stress is coming from.

By connecting to your body, mind, and emotions, we become more aware of what is really going on with you.

We all have tendencies towards our own chaos when things are not nicely balanced for us.

For me, I start to get overly organized and controlling.

You might check out and sleep more.

Someone else might escape through being busy…

We all have our particular tendencies. Don't judge yours; just be aware of what they are and then find loving ways to bring yourself back to center.

For example, I am super excited and grateful I get to see both of my boys this year. Still, there is that little bit of grieving over not seeing the rest of my family for Christmas and following the normal traditions. In grieving that, I started to be a bit extra with Christmas this year to compensate. I spent more and was stressing more about the gifts and decorations than centering on what is really important.

When I realized what I was like, oh girl, what are you doing? I was falling into old patterns!

Maybe you are feeling a little bit the same way? Perhaps you are like me and enjoy those little traditions, and well, this year, things are looking a lot different.

It is super important to honor or accept how you are feeling at that moment. It is okay to be sad and wish things were different this year. As long as you are done grieving those emotions, you make an effort to shift into what you do have to be grateful.

On the flip side maybe, you are thankful that you don’t have to do the hustle and bustle this year. Honor those feelings too!


It is 100% okay to feel; however, you are feeling about it.

A Three-part process to help you cope with whatever it is that you are feeling during this time!

Accept your emotions, whatever they may be! If a friend was explaining what they were feeling to you, how would you respond? Honor yourself with that same kindness.

Grieve over what is lost or missing due to circumstances. I cannot stress how important it is to take a moment to honor those emotions. Notice, I said a moment, not months years… Take the time to process it, then let it go!

Shift to gratitude! What can you be grateful for? Intentionally look for things to be grateful for.

Be mindful of what is really important. Like seriously… what is important? Is your peace and joy important? Your loved ones? What do you care about?

I heard someone say once if it isn't going to matter in 5 years, do not spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it. Read that again!!!!

If you are super bummed out, take some time each day to write out or think about the things you are thankful for. By starting your day in this way, you are setting an intention of gratitude throughout your day.

Mindfulness isn’t always about sitting in easy pose, eyes closed, meditating…

It is, however, being aware of our thoughts, emotions, mood, and physical bodies. Take some time to tune into those things and center.

It can be incredibly powerful… I promise!

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