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Lotus Healing


Holistic Mental Health & Wellness

what is holistic wellness?


I often get asked what is holistic wellness and what does it have to do with my mental health?

Many specialties like to compartmentalize a person.  Medical, mental health, fitness, nutrition, and spirituality are pieces of you that do not come together as a whole.  They do not always look at the interplay between all aspects of the person.


 Often, we put Band-Aids on the symptoms with medications and short-term therapy.  I'm not against either of these practices; in fact, medication can be beneficial and necessary!  Short-term therapy can also be very valuable to help you work through trauma, difficult transitions, or loss.   It is not helpful when there is a deeper issue hiding beneath the surface that you are covering up with medications and "feel-good" quick fixes.  


If you have ever felt like you keep dealing with the same issues over and over again in your life, going to therapy to find some peace but months or years later, the same problems pop back up again, it is likely because the core issues were not addressed.


Suppose you have been dealing with unexplained health issues, digestive issues, pain, or autoimmune issues that do not seem to be resolved by medicine. In that case, this could stem from unprocessed trauma, inability to process emotions, and stress persistent unmanaged stress responses in the body. 

From a holistic wellness perspective, we treat the whole person.  Incorporating Eastern Philosophy/Medicine believes illness comes from stuck or unprocessed emotions, thinking patterns that are unhealthy or unhelpful, fueling your body with proper nutrition, exercise, and rejuvenation through mindfulness self-care practices.  


From a mental health perspective, I believe in helping you process and release pent-up emotions from past pain; trauma, heartache, stress is invaluable in your healing process.   


Sometimes this is through talk therapy. However, I might also recommend mindfulness practices, yoga, movement, massage, journaling, or even time in nature.   I will teach you how to connect with your body, recognizing when it is stressed or overwhelmed, and help you learn to manage and release that stress.  


Additionally, we will work together recognizing thinking patterns that are keeping you anxious, stressed, or depressed.  I will teach you how to recognize and shift those thoughts to more supportive, helpful thoughts and feelings.   Nothing is forced on you, so if spirituality isn't your thing, that is entirely okay.  The goal is to help you find what works for you and fits with your beliefs, lifestyle, and schedule!  


A healthy diet is essential for everyone, but it is vital for those struggling with autoimmune issues.   At a minimum, I recommend a balanced whole foods diet for everyone!  However, if you struggle with many skin issues, pain, and digestive issues, I would highly encourage you to research and consider a food sensitivities test.  You will be surprised the difference it will make in your overall sense of wellbeing.   There is no better way to nurture and take care of your body than to fuel it with healthy foods that support it in the restorative process.

What to Expect?

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Many people, when they think of therapy, think of the dark office and a couch spouting out all your deepest darkest thoughts.   While I guess, for some, that is true that isn’t really most people’s style.  In my virtual office you will find a safe place for you to express your thoughts and feelings, work through or process any emotions, examine your values, a place where you can grow into the human you want to be.  

Not many of us have a close friend or confidant to be completely genuine with our thoughts and feelings.  Therapy can give you a safe place to express ourselves while feeling supported and heard.  It is confidential and there is no judgment.  It is just a supportive place where you can work through what you feel is most important in your life. 
Sometimes we struggle with being aware of our core values or desires and building a life that supports those values.  Therapy can help you discover and align your life with those areas.  

Maybe, like many, life has been hard on you.  You might desire or need a safe place to unwrap the stuff and the trauma that life has placed on your shoulders.   This process can be extremely scarry and difficult.  Having a trained experienced professional that is supportive and able to walk you through this can be invaluable for your healing process.

our specialties

Depression & Mood Disorders

Do you feel sad and overwhelmed?  Is everything a struggle even things you used to really love doing?  Are you sleeping a ton or just can’t sleep?  Any unexplained weight gain or weight loss?

If you answered yes to several of those questions you might be experiencing clinical Depression.  Research for treating Depression supports Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Mindfulness can be extremely helpful in treating depression.   

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